Portfolio Optimization for Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Funds, and ETFs

Table of contents

What is portfolio optimization?

Before we dive into the How of portfolio optimization, we first should establish a common definition of the term "Portfolio Optimization" so that there is as much clarity as possible when discussing the more complex aspects of the topic.

Portfolio optimization is a financial technique that involves choosing the best mix of investments in order to maximize the expected return and minimize risk. This process involves analyzing the risk and return characteristics of various investments, and then determining the optimal mix of assets to include in the portfolio.

The goal of portfolio optimization is to achieve the highest possible return for a given level of risk, or to achieve the lowest possible risk for a given level of return.

To optimize a portfolio, an investors has access to various tools and techniques, such as Modern Portfolio Theory, and Monte Carlo simulation. These techniques provide a framework to identify an optimal mix of assets as well as to determine an appropriate level of diversification for a portfolio.

An important aspect of portfolio optimization is the concept of risk-return tradeoff. This refers to the idea that as an investor increases the risk in their portfolio, they can expect to see a corresponding increase in potential returns.

However, it is important to note that there is no guarantee that an investment will produce a positive return, and higher levels of risk may result in greater volatility and the potential for loss. As a result, portfolio optimization involves finding the right balance between risk and return in order to achieve an investor's financial goals.

Thus, it is essential to consider as many asset classes (e.g. single stocks, ETFs, funds, cryptocurrencies) as possible. A large selection of assets helps to find the right investment to support a robust risk-return tradeoff.

What are the advantages of portfolio optimization?

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Ok, know we do have an overview of what portfolio optimization is but we did not have a detailed look at the benefits of managing your portfolio via a scientific optimization method.

In comparison to a gut feeling based investing approach portfolio optimization offers the following benefits:

  1. Reduction of risk via diversification: Portfolio optimization helps you to diversify your portfolio by selecting a mix of assets that have low or negative correlations, which can help to reduce the overall risk of the portfolio and keep expected returns the same.
  2. Potentially higher returns: Since portfolio optimization allows to lower your portfolio's overall risk, you as an investor are able to select assets with individually higher returns and thus higher risk. Consequently, investments have the potential to generate higher returns, aiding investors to achieve their financial goals more quickly.
  3. Active risk management: Portfolio optimization can also help you to manage risk by selecting investments with a level of risk that is appropriate for your risk tolerance and financial goals. Thus, you are able to steer your investments with you current risk tolerance which is influenced by your own life's circumstances.
  4. Ongoing review: Portfolio optimization typically involves ongoing review and adjustment, thus it provides you with a tool to constantly double check whether your portfolio is still aligned with your goals and current market conditions.

What are the disadvantages of portfolio optimization?

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Having looked at the upsides, it is necessary to also illuminate the potential downsides portfolio optimization can bring. There are several potential disadvantages that investors should be aware of:

  1. Reliance on assumptions: Many portfolio optimization techniques, such as the modern portfolio theory, are based on certain assumptions about investor behavior and market conditions. These assumptions may not always hold true in practice, which can lead to inaccurate results. Thus, it is of utmost importance to have a robust framework inplace.
  2. Limited predictability: Portfolio optimization is based on historical data and assumptions about the future, but it is impossible to predict the future with certainty. This means that the results of portfolio optimization are not guaranteed and there is always a risk that actual returns may differ from the expected returns.
  3. Complexity: Portfolio optimization techniques can be complex and may require specialized knowledge and software to implement. This can make them difficult for individual investors to use without the assistance of a financial professional or service.
  4. Transaction costs: Frequent rebalancing in order to maintain the desired mix of assets, which can result in high transaction costs. These costs can eat into the overall returns of the portfolio and may outweigh any potential benefits of optimization.
  5. Short-term focus: Portfolio optimization lead an investor focus on maximizing short-term returns, which may not be the best approach for long-term investors. This can lead to a focus on high-risk, high-return investments that may not be suitable for all investors.

How to mitigate the disadvantages of portfolio optimization?

Here are a few strategies that an investor can use to mitigate the potential downsides of portfolio optimization:

  1. Diversify: Diversification is a key risk management strategy that can help investors to mitigate the impact of any individual investment on their portfolio. By including a mix of assets with low or negative correlations in their portfolio, investors can reduce the overall risk of the portfolio, even if the individual assets carry a higher level of risk on their own.
  2. Use multiple optimization techniques: Rather than relying on a single portfolio optimization technique, investors can consider using multiple approaches and comparing the results. This can help to reduce the impact of any individual assumption or limitation and provide a more rounded view of the portfolio's potential risk and return.
  3. Consider long-term goals: Rather than focusing solely on short-term returns, investors should consider their long-term financial goals when constructing a portfolio. This can help to ensure that the portfolio is aligned with the investor's overall objectives and that it is suitable for their risk tolerance and investment horizon.
  4. Seek professional advice: Investors who are not familiar with portfolio optimization techniques or who do not have the time or expertise to implement them on their own may benefit from seeking the advice. A financial advisor or asset manager can help investors choose the appropriate portfolio optimization approach and to implement it in a way that is suitable for their individual circumstances.
  5. Monitor and review: Regular monitoring and review of the portfolio is important to ensure that it remains aligned with the investor's goals and that any necessary adjustments are made. This can help investors to identify any potential risks or opportunities and to make changes to the portfolio as needed.

What are Expected Returns and Risk?

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In the earlier paragraphs the terms expected returns and expected risk has been mentioned a couple of times. So far we did not go into detail of what these terms mean, even tho they are essential to the portfolio optimization process.

In the context of portfolio optimization, expected return and risk are two important factors that investors consider when choosing the mix of investments for their portfolio.

Expected returns

Expected return refers to the expected value of the future returns that an investment will generate, based on past performance and other factors such as economic conditions and company-specific information. Expected return is an important consideration for investors because it represents the potential return that an investment may provide over time.

However, it is important to note that the actual return of an investment may differ from the expected return, and there is no guarantee that an investment will produce a positive return.


Risk, on the other hand, refers to the likelihood that an investment will fluctuate in value or that it will experience losses. There are many different types of risk that investors may face, such as market risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk. Risk is typically measured by the variance or standard deviation of an investment's returns, which reflects the amount of dispersion or variability in the investment's performance.

In portfolio optimization, investors aim to find the right balance between expected return and risk in order to achieve their financial goals. This may involve choosing investments with a higher expected return but also a higher level of risk, or investments with a lower expected return but also a lower level of risk.

The specific mix of investments will depend on the investor's risk tolerance and their financial objectives.

What types of risk to consider for portfolio optimization?

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The value of a stock, and cryptocurrency, etc. can go up and down. This can be caused by multiple factors which have an effect on the asset. It is important to note that different assets are exposed to different types of risk, thus diversification is a good tool to counteract unforeseen risk exposures. Furthermore, it is important to be aware of what types of risks are out there and how they can effect your investment.

There are several types of risk that investors may consider when optimizing a portfolio, including:

  1. Market risk: Market risk is the risk that the value of an investment will fluctuate due to changes in market conditions. Market risk is often measured by the volatility or standard deviation of an investment's returns.
  2. Credit risk: Credit risk is the risk that a borrower will default on a loan or that a bond issuer will be unable to make the required interest or principal payments. Credit risk is typically higher for investments with lower credit ratings.
  3. Liquidity risk: Liquidity risk is the risk that an investor will not be able to sell an investment when needed or that they will have to sell it at a significant discount due to a lack of buyers. Investments with low liquidity, such as illiquid assets or thinly traded securities, may carry a higher level of liquidity risk.
  4. Inflation risk: Inflation risk is the risk that the purchasing power of an investment's returns will be eroded over time due to inflation. Inflation can reduce the value of an investment's future cash flows, making it less valuable in real terms.
  5. Foreign exchange risk: Foreign exchange risk is the risk that the value of an investment will be affected by changes in exchange rates. For example, if an investor holds a foreign currency-denominated investment and the value of the currency declines relative to the investor's domestic currency, the investment may lose value.
  6. Interest rate risk: Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of an investment will be affected by changes in interest rates. Interest rate risk is typically higher for investments with longer maturities, such as long-term bonds.
  7. Political risk: Political risk is the risk that the value of an investment will be affected by changes in the political environment or by government actions. Political risk can be particularly relevant for investments in emerging markets or in industries that are heavily regulated or reliant on government contracts.
  8. Legal risk: Legal risk is the risk that the value of an investment will be affected by changes in laws or regulations. Legal risk can be relevant for investments in industries that are heavily regulated or that are subject to legal challenges or disputes such as renewable energies.

Are there other risk metrics than standard deviation to measure the market risk?

Standard deviation is a widely used measure of market risk, as it reflects the amount of dispersion or variability in an investment's returns. However, there are other measures that can be used to assess volatility risk as well. Some common alternatives to standard deviation include:

  1. Variance: Variance is a measure of volatility that is similar to standard deviation, but it is expressed in squared units rather than standard units. Variance can be useful for analyzing the risk of a portfolio, as it takes into account the magnitude of the fluctuations in an investment's returns rather than just their dispersion.
  2. Beta: Beta is a measure of volatility that compares the fluctuations in the value of an investment to the fluctuations in the overall market. A beta of 1 indicates that the investment's returns are highly correlated with the market, while a beta of less than 1 indicates that the investment is less volatile than the market, and a beta of more than 1 indicates that the investment is more volatile than the market.
  3. Maximum drawdown: Maximum drawdown is a measure of volatility that reflects the maximum percentage decline in an investment's value from its peak to its trough over a given period of time. Maximum drawdown can be a useful measure of risk for investors who are concerned about the potential for large losses in their portfolio.
  4. Value at risk (VaR): Value at risk is a measure of volatility that estimates the maximum loss that an investment is likely to experience over a given time horizon and with a certain level of confidence. VaR is often used by financial institutions to assess the risk of their investment portfolios and to set risk management guidelines.
  5. Omega ratio: The omega ratio is a measure of risk-adjusted return that compares the potential returns of an investment to the amount of risk taken to achieve those returns. The omega ratio is calculated by dividing the probability-weighted potential returns of an investment by the probability-weighted potential losses. A higher omega ratio indicates that an investment has a higher potential return for a given level of risk.
  6. Treynor ratio: The Treynor ratio is a measure of risk-adjusted return that compares the excess returns of an investment to the amount of risk taken to achieve those returns. The Treynor ratio is calculated by dividing the excess returns of an investment by its beta, which is a measure of the investment's volatility relative to the market. A higher Treynor ratio indicates that an investment has a higher return for a given level of risk.
  7. Sortino ratio: The Sortino ratio is a measure of risk-adjusted return that is similar to the Sharpe ratio, but it takes into account only the downside risk of an investment rather than the total risk. The Sortino ratio is calculated by dividing the excess returns of an investment by the standard deviation of the investment's negative returns, which is known as the "downside deviation." A higher Sortino ratio indicates that an investment has a higher return for a given level of downside risk.
  8. Calmar ratio: The Calmar ratio is a measure of risk-adjusted return that compares the annualized return of an investment to the maximum drawdown of the investment over a given period of time. The Calmar ratio is calculated by dividing the annualized return of the investment by the maximum drawdown. A higher Calmar ratio indicates that an investment has a higher return for a given level of risk.

In addition to these measures, investors may also consider other factors that can affect the volatility of their portfolio, such as the correlation between the returns of different investments and the distribution of returns. It is important for investors to consider the specific risks and goals of their portfolio when selecting a measure of volatility risk.

Academic history of portfolio optimization

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Since portfolio optimization is not a static topic, but rather an active research field, it is no wonder that the techniques have evolved over-time. In the following section you can find a timeline overview of how the different techniques have evolved.

  1. Monte Carlo simulation: Developed in the 1940s, Monte Carlo simulation is a statistical method that involves generating a large number of random scenarios or simulations to estimate the likelihood of different outcomes. In the context of portfolio optimization, Monte Carlo simulation can be used to analyze the potential risk and return of a portfolio under different market conditions and to identify the optimal mix of assets for the portfolio.
  2. Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT): Developed by economist Harry Markowitz in the 1950s, MPT is a financial theory that explains how investors can choose a portfolio of assets that will maximize their expected return for a given level of risk, or minimize their risk for a given level of expected return. MPT is based on the idea that the risk and return of an investment are not independent of one another, and that the risk of a portfolio is determined by the correlations between the returns of its different assets.
  3. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM): Developed by economist William Sharpe in the 1960s, the CAPM is a financial theory that explains the relationship between risk and expected return for an individual asset. According to the CAPM, the expected return of an asset is determined by its risk relative to the overall market, as measured by the asset's beta.
  4. Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT): Developed by economist Stephen Ross in the 1970s, the APT is a financial theory that explains asset returns via a linear relationship between the asset’s expected return and a number of macroeconomic variables that capture systematic risk. Unlike the CAPM, which assumes that there is a single factor that drives the risk and return of an asset, the APT allows for multiple macroeconomic factors to affect the risk and return of an asset.
  5. Black-Litterman model: Developed by financial analysts Fischer Black and Robert Litterman in the 1990s, the Black-Litterman model is a portfolio optimization approach that combines modern portfolio theory with an investor's views for a specific assets or market conditions. The Black-Litterman model allows investors to incorporate their own subjective beliefs about the expected returns and risks of different assets into the portfolio optimization process, while still taking into account the underlying market conditions and the correlations between different assets. The Black-Litterman model has become a popular tool among institutional investors and asset managers.
  6. Risk parity: Introduced by Ray Dalio in the mid-1990s, Risk parity is a portfolio optimization strategy that aims to allocate assets in a portfolio such that the risk contribution of each asset is equal. Risk parity portfolios are designed to be more diversified and to have a more balanced risk profile compared to traditional portfolios, which are typically weighted based on market capitalization. In recent years as an alternative approach to traditional portfolio construction.

How to perform portfolio optimization with a Monte Carlo simulation?

A Monte Carlo simulation is a statistical method that involves generating a large number of random scenarios or simulations to estimate the likelihood of different outcomes. In the context of portfolio optimization, Monte Carlo simulation can be used to analyze the potential risk and return of a portfolio under different market conditions and to identify the optimal mix of assets for the portfolio.

To perform a Monte Carlo simulation for portfolio optimization, an investor first needs to gather data on the expected returns and risks of the investments that they are considering for their portfolio. The expected return of an investment is the expected value of the future returns it will generate, based on past performance and other factors such as economic conditions and company-specific information. The risk of an investment is typically measured by its variance or standard deviation, which reflects the amount of variability or dispersion in the investment's returns.

Once the expected returns and risks of the potential investments have been determined, the investor can use a computer program to generate a large number of random scenarios or simulations of how the market might perform in the future. These simulations can be based on various assumptions about market conditions and the behavior of the investments, such as the expected returns, risks, and correlations between different assets.

For each simulation, the investor can calculate the expected return and risk of the portfolio using the expected returns and risks of the individual investments. By repeating this process many times, the investor can build up a distribution of possible outcomes for the portfolio and analyze the likelihood of different levels of risk and return. This can help the investor to identify the optimal mix of assets for the portfolio and to determine the appropriate level of diversification.

It is important to note that Monte Carlo simulation is a statistical method that relies on the assumption that the future will be similar to the past, and that the assumptions used in the simulation are accurate. In practice, the future may not unfold as expected, and the results of a Monte Carlo simulation should be viewed as an estimate rather than a precise prediction.

How to perform portfolio optimization with the Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)?

Modern portfolio theory (MPT) is a financial theory that explains how investors can choose a portfolio of assets that will maximize their expected return for a given level of risk, or minimize their risk for a given level of expected return. MPT was developed by economist Harry Markowitz in the 1950s, and it has since become a widely used approach to portfolio construction and optimization.

According to MPT, the risk and return of an investment are not independent of one another, and the risk of a portfolio is not simply the sum of the risks of its individual holdings. Instead, the risk of a portfolio is determined by the correlations between the returns of its different assets. By including a mix of assets with low or negative correlations in a portfolio, an investor can reduce the overall risk of the portfolio, even if the individual assets carry a higher level of risk on their own.

To optimize a portfolio using MPT, an investor needs to gather data on the expected returns and risks of the investments that they are considering for their portfolio. The expected return of an investment is the expected value of the future returns it will generate, based on past performance and other factors such as economic conditions and company-specific information. The risk of an investment is typically measured by its variance or standard deviation, which reflects the amount of variability or dispersion in the investment's returns.

Once the expected returns and risks of the potential investments have been determined, the investor can use this information to calculate the mean and variance of the returns for each asset and for different portfolio combinations.

The investor can then use these calculations to construct an efficient frontier, which is a graphical representation of the tradeoff between risk and return for all possible portfolios that can be constructed using the available investments. The efficient frontier represents the set of portfolios that offer the highest expected return for a given level of risk, or the lowest level of risk for a given level of expected return.

To determine the optimal portfolio, the investor can then draw a line from the level of risk that they are comfortable with to the efficient frontier, and select the portfolio on the efficient frontier that is closest to this line. This will be the portfolio that offers the highest expected return for the investor's desired level of risk, or the lowest level of risk for the investor's desired level of return.

It is important to note that MPT is based on certain assumptions, including that investors are rational and have homogeneous expectations about future returns, and that markets are efficient. In practice, these assumptions may not always hold true, and other factors such as taxes and transaction costs may also need to be taken into account when constructing a portfolio.

How to perform portfolio optimization with a Black-Litterman model?

The Black-Litterman model is a mathematical model that is used to optimize portfolios by incorporating both the investor's views on the expected returns of specific assets and the market's equilibrium returns.

The Black-Litterman model is based on the idea that investors can add value to their portfolio by expressing their views on the expected returns of specific assets. These views are combined with the market's equilibrium returns, which are derived from the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), to generate a new set of equilibrium returns that reflect the investor's views.

Here is a general overview of the steps involved in optimizing a portfolio using the Black-Litterman model:

  1. Determine the investor's views on the expected returns of specific assets: The investor expresses their views on the expected returns of specific assets in the form of a "view matrix," which is a matrix of expected returns for each asset.
  2. Determine the market's equilibrium returns: The market's equilibrium returns are derived from the CAPM, which is a model that explains the relationship between risk and return for assets in a market.
  3. Combine the investor's views and the market's equilibrium returns: The investor's views and the market's equilibrium returns are combined using a mathematical formula to generate a new set of equilibrium returns that reflect the investor's views.
  4. Optimize the portfolio: The portfolio is optimized using the new set of equilibrium returns, typically using an optimization algorithm such as linear programming or quadratic programming.
  5. Implement and monitor the portfolio: The optimized portfolio is implemented, and the portfolio is monitored over time to ensure that it remains aligned with the investor's financial goals and risk tolerance.

It is important to note that the Black-Litterman model is a complex mathematical model, and it requires a certain level of expertise to implement correctly. Investors should consider seeking the advice of a financial professional if they are considering using the Black-Litterman model to optimize their portfolio.

How to perform portfolio optimization with a Risk Parity model?

Risk parity is a portfolio optimization strategy that aims to allocate assets in a portfolio such that the risk contribution of each asset is equal.

The idea behind risk parity is that by balancing the risk across different asset classes, a portfolio can be more diversified and have a more balanced risk profile compared to traditional portfolios, which are typically weighted based on market capitalization.

Here is a general overview of the steps involved in optimizing a portfolio using the risk parity model:

  1. Estimate the risk of each asset: The first step in risk parity is to estimate the risk of each asset in the portfolio. This can be done using various risk measures, such as standard deviation or value at risk (VaR).
  2. Calculate the risk contribution of each asset: The risk contribution of each asset is calculated by dividing the risk of the asset by the total risk of the portfolio. This determines the proportion of the total risk that is contributed by each asset.
  3. Allocate assets to achieve equal risk contribution: The assets in the portfolio are then allocated such that the risk contribution of each asset is equal. This may involve adjusting the weight of each asset in the portfolio to achieve the desired risk balance.
  4. Implement and monitor the portfolio: The optimized portfolio is then implemented, and the portfolio is monitored over time to ensure that it remains aligned with the investor's financial goals and risk tolerance.

It is important to note that risk parity is a complex portfolio optimization strategy, and it requires a certain level of expertise to implement correctly. Investors should consider seeking the advice of a financial professional if they are considering using risk parity to optimize their portfolio.

How can Pinklion help you to optimize your portfolio?

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